This document provides information to facilitate administration of the Eyvo eBuyerAssist application. It is designed to enhance the performance and ensure efficient usage of the product. Using this manual, the System Administrators can find more information on configuring the application and performing specific tasks.
Eyvo eBuyerAssist provides a set of comprehensive work flow tools that will help you in improving the purchasing efficiency of your organization. This system contains all the tools required to centralize and manage your purchasing operation. The system can cater to a small departments with few users up to a large worldwide enterprises with thousands of users.
Each User requires a license for each module that they wish to use, therefore, you must purchase enough User Licenses to cover the individual number of modules that are required. Although users cannot share a license, you can reallocate the existing licenses to different Users.

EBA-Power Enterprise.Net (EBA) is a workflow management tool for the production of purchase orders to Approved Vendors via a secure approval process.
The Administration Module enables the SA to perform tasks related to User Management, Request Management, Order Management, Data Management and set the Environment Parameters.

Screen: 1 showcases the functions that a SA can perform:

Screen: 1


This manual is designed and prepared for System Administrators who are responsible for administrating the system. Administration tasks may be as simple as adding new Users to the system to configuring the approvals workflow and setting various system default switches. The role of the System Administrator (SA) is important in maintaining the Eyvo eBuyerAssist. The Administrator is also responsible for the overall strategy of the information system, its features, process functionalities and process limitations.


The system uses the Standard Numeric Format defined in the Regional Settings of the PC on which the application is running. The application displays the financial values without their currency symbol. The initial system’s date and time is set to the local web server’s settings.
It is very important to disable Pop-up blockers or set the Pop-up blockers to permit the pop-ups from the application URL. This refers to both Internet Explorer pop-up blockers and any additional pop-blockers you may be running e.g. Google Toolbar. Throughout the application after modifying the content in a screen, click Save, else the content may not be updated in the database.
The login URL https://[company code] may vary depending on the hosting site. For more information on Acquiring Licenses please contact
Please Note:

  • The fields with a red tip are Mandatory fields.
  • The local currency is by default USD and can be changed prior to any orders being entered into the system.
  • The System base currency code cannot be modified with live orders on the system.
  • The Purge Order Files procedure is irreversible. So before performing the procedure, ensure that all the data is backed up using a standard rotational and retention cycle of not less than 2 weeks.
TIP: If you are a new User or you have forgotten your login and password, please click on the appropriate link on the Login Screen.


Requests for technical support should be made either through the Eyvo Website or by an email to
You can also visit for more information regarding technical support.


Eyvo eBuyerAssist is a Client/Server application accessible at the URL https://[company code]
This section explains the minimum system configuration required for the successful operation of the application.
Super VGA (1080 x 768) or higher-resolution monitor with 256 colors.

  1. Internet Explorer version 11.0 or above, Google Chrome version 58 or above, Firefox version 53 or above or Microsoft Edge. JavaScript and cookies should be enabled on browsers
  2. Please ensure that you disable Pop-up blockers (e.g. Google's Toolbar) or set the Pop-up blockers to permit the pop-ups from the application URL https://[company code]
  3. Occasionally, anti-virus software may also block the application URL.


To assist you in getting started immediately, please refer to the training videos on our website at:
The password for the videos is M1kro4ax-Vide0


The below process explains the steps to be followed before you start using the application:

  • The System Administrator (SA) first logs in as Sysadmin and assigns basic User information for the entire User population such as Name, User ID, Password, and Email Address. They also need to allow relevant User access to all data files and expenditure codes. No other data should be entered at this stage. (E.g. Cost Center Approver or any other Approver Setups).
  • The Actual Users can login (using their newly assigned user ids and passwords) and start entering data such as suppliers, cost codes, delivery points, invoice points etc. All these fall under Data files and Account Codes.
  • Once the Users have entered the relevant details, the SA should sign back into the Administration module and complete setting up individual Users. More specifically, this entails assigning the relevant cost codes and signoff levels to the relevant Users.
Screen: 2

This process ensures that the approval workflow is defined within the system and it works in an efficient manner.


  • To login, go to your company URL and enter your User ID and Password as shown in Screen: 3. Initially a default SA is set up for you with the following details:
    ID: sysadmin
    Password: sysadmin
    Screen: 3

    As part of Eyvo’s security policy the password is temporary – you will be asked to enter a new one upon first logging in using the Main System URL. ** Please note that passwords are case sensitive ** and should have 6-20 alphanumeric characters including an uppercase.

    Tip: If you are a new User or you have forgotten your login id and password, please click on the appropriate link at the bottom of the Login Screen.

    This screen will also show you the latest updates of our application.


When a System Administrator login to the system, Screen: 4 will be visible as shown below:

Screen: 4

The System Administration Module can be divided into the following:

The full explanation of each is as follows:


The User Maintenance has the following sections as shown in Screen: 5.

Screen: 5


  1. The User Register as shown in Screen: 6 allows the System Administrator to add new users. Along with this, it gives the System Administrator the option to find users and displays various user-related reports.
    Screen: 6

    The highlighted icon on the above screen will show you the log details. This is similar to an event log that will show you all the changes made by the system administrator to this user's details.

  2. The System Administrator can add a new User by clicking on the Add New button on the User Register listing page to see Screen: 7.
    Screen: 7

    The System Administrator will enter the details as well as select User Type and the appropriate check boxes for data files, expenditure codes and system defaults.
    • The red indicator on a field means that it is mandatory.
    • User type “Others” can be an approver, view requests, orders and RFQ in read-only mode and receive goods on behalf of Buyer and Senior buyer.
    • User type “Requestor” can add requests, receive goods for their own request items and view their orders in read-only mode.
    • User type “Buyer” can be assigned a single order limit. A Buyer can see their own orders only. A Buyer can edit requests created by him or the ones he has taken ownership for and can view all requests created by other Buyers.
    • User type “Senior Buyer” can add/edit/view their requests, orders as well as other Buyers, Senior Buyers.
    • User type “APPROVER” can approve purchase orders assigned to them. To see this option, please purchase the relevant license from us.
    • User type “Requestor Only” can only access request functions. To see this option, please purchase the relevant license from us.
  3. Once done, the System Administrator will click on NEXT to see Screen: 8:
    Screen: 8

    • User Details: The System Administrator can enter the user's details, assign or remove the user license, Set user Away or In, assign the User Type. Once done, click on Save and on a successful update, the message 'Update Successful' will get displayed on the bottom of the screen..

      Note: Each User will need a license to access the system and will see modules/functions that they have been given permissions for.

    • A Proxy Approver can be selected here. This proxy approver will receive all the pending approval emails on the user’s behalf when the user status is “User Status” is switched off.

      This is usually done when a user is away on a vacation or due to an illness, etc.

    • Approver: The Approver tab has 3 options as follow: A user can be made a part of various cost centres and a limit can be assigned. This means that when a cost centre is selected on an order, the user will receive an approval email based on the workflow selected by the SA and the user’s limit. A user can also be made a part of a group approval. Select the group for the user and when this is activated on an order, the user will receive an approval email. The third one is a function wherein a user can be assigned a Request Approver. What this means is that when this user creates a new requisition, the first approval email would go to this request approver post which it would go to the purchasing department.

    • User Default Codes: The default codes are the ones that are automatically populated on a Request/Order that this user creates. This is to eliminate manual entries. However, these can always be changed by the user.
      Access to modules and functions can be assigned under Permissions and can be granulated as needed.

    • User Permissions: System Administrator can assign User Permissions for Data Files, Accounts Codes, and Functions. Users can assign permissions such as Read and Write, Read Only, or No Access to an individual module. Users can also assign permissions to all the modules collectively by clicking on the dropdown next to Data Files, Account Codes, and Functions.

    • User Signature: In this section, user can add their Signature.

  4. The System Administrator can also search for Users. Enter details in the Search field, select the relevant dropdown on the User Register Screen to get the desired search results.
  5. The System Administrator can generate various reports under the Search Report dropdown as shown in Screen: 9.
    Screen: 9

    1. User Listing - This report lists all the categories as per the headers on the User Register listing page.
    2. User Cost Code Listing - This report will show all the users with their corresponding Cost Codes, Description and Approval Limits.
    3. Cost Code User Listing - This report will show the Cost Code and Description with their corresponding users and their Approval Limits.
    4. Log Details for all users - This report will show you all the changes done in the system. This is similar to an event log and can be further filtered using the Start Date, End Date, User Type, User Name and you can also choose for the report to show you the User Location (includes the IP Address, City and Country of the user).
    The System Administrator can print, export or email these reports by clicking on 'Actions' as shown in Screen: 10.
    Screen: 10

  6. To set a user as away, the SA must initially assign a proxy approver. This can be accomplished by selecting 'Select Proxy Approver' as shown in Screen: 11.
    Screen: 11

    The user has the option to choose one or multiple proxy approvers from the list of users as shown in Screen: 12.
    Screen: 12

    If the SA selects 'User Active Status' and chooses to set it as 'Away', a pop-up will appear asking for confirmation with the message 'Are you sure you want to set User as AWAY?' as shown in Screen: 13.
    Screen: 13

    After clicking on 'OK', the SA is then able to choose the proxy approver by selecting from the dropdown as shown in Screen: 14. After making the selection, the SA should click on 'Next' to proceed. It's important to note that any pending approvals for rules, requests, orders, or invoices will be transferred to the selected proxy approver.
    Screen: 14

    By clicking on the 'View Pending Request/Orders' link on the User Away page, the SA can view any pending approvals for rules, requests, orders, or invoices as shown in Screen: 15. To proceed, the SA should click on the 'Next' button.

    Please note that we are displaying all approvals for all modules for demonstration purposes only. Users will view approvals based on their specific settings.

    Screen: 15

    The system will transfer all pending approvals for rules, requests, orders, or invoices to the selected Proxy Approver through email. Once the transfer process is complete, the SA can view the below message as shown in Screen: 16.
    Screen: 16

    An email will be sent to the proxy approver, as shown in Screen: 17. The purpose of this email is to notify the proxy approver that the user is currently marked as "away" and that all of the user's approval responsibilities will be redirected to the proxy approver.
    Screen: 17

  7. To remove a license for a specific user, the system administrator (SA) should click on the 'Licensed' button and set it to 'NO' as shown in Screen: 18.
    Screen: 18

    In the event that the licensed user being removed is a Buyer, the system will prompt the SA to select a new Buyer by clicking on the "Next" button as shown in Screen: 19.

    Screen: 19

    The SA should select the new Buyer from the dropdown and proceed by clicking on 'Next' as shown in Screen: 20.

    Screen: 20

    The new buyer will receive an email that transfers ownership of all the requests and orders from the user whose license is being revoked, as shown in Screen: 21.
    Screen: 21

    Here, the SA has access to view all Request Approvals, Order and Request Rule Approvals for the user. To transfer them, the SA needs to click on 'Next' and proceed with transferring them individually as shown in Screen: 22.

    It's important to note that the Request Approvals, Order and Request Rule Approvals shown here are only for demonstration purposes. Actual users will see approvals based on their specific settings.

    Screen: 22

    To transfer all pending request approvals, the SA can choose the user for Request Approver from the dropdown menu as shown in Screen: 23. Additionally, by clicking on the 'Click Here' link, the SA can view all the requests associated with the user whose license has been revoked as shown in Screen: 23.1. To proceed, click on 'Next'.
    Screen: 23

    Screen: 23.1

    A pop-up message will appear requesting your confirmation to transfer request approvals. To proceed with the transfer, you will need to click on the 'OK' button, as shown in Screen 24.
    Screen: 24

    The system will send an email to the chosen request approver transferring all request approvals. This email can be seen on the Screen: 25.
    Screen: 25

    To transfer all the pending approvals for Orders and Request Rules of the user, the SA can choose the user for Rule Approver from the dropdown menu and click on 'Next' as shown in Screen: 26
    Screen: 26

    A pop-up message will appear requesting your confirmation to transfer Orders and Request Rules approvals. To proceed with the transfer, you will need to click on the 'OK' button, as shown in Screen 27.
    Screen: 27

    After completing the transfer of all approvals, the SA can proceed to remove the license by clicking on 'Next' as shown in Screen: 28.
    Screen: 28

    After successfully removing the user's license, the SA will be able to view a message displayed on the Screen: 29.
    Screen: 29


This function allows the System Administrator to update the functional access for the Users in multiple batches thus saving a lot of time. The User Batch Update screen as shown in Screen: 30 allows the System Administrator to update a batch using the Batch Update and User Type dropdowns:

Screen: 30

Once done, click on UPDATE to save the changes.


This function provides the option to give or remove permissions to all the Users or to specific Users at a time. To perform a mass update, the SA needs to click on User Maintenance> User Mass Update to reach Screen: 31. Each option available will further give instructions to proceed.

Screen: 31
  1. To give all users all the permissions, click on Give all users all permissions in Screen: 31 to see Screen: 31.1.
    Screen: 31.1
    Click on “OK” for the system to update your request.

  2. To remove all permissions from all the Users, click on Remove all permissions from all users as shown in Screen: 31 to see Screen: 31.2.
    Screen: 31.2
    Click OK for the system to update your request.

  3. To give selected permissions to all Users, click on Give all users selected permissions as shown in Screen: 31 to see Screen: 31.3.
    Screen: 31.3
    Click on the appropriate check boxes, select the permission type from the dropdown and click on Submit for the system to update the changes.

  4. To give all permissions to selected users, click on Give selected users all permissions in Screen: 31 to see Screen: 31.4.
    Screen: 31.4
    Select the permission type in the dropdown, check the desired username checkboxes and click on Update for the system to make the changes.

  5. To give selected permissions to specific Users, click on Give selected users selected permissions as shown in Screen: 31 to see Screen: 31.5.
    Screen: 31.5

    Click the appropriate checkboxes, click on the Next tab to see Screen: 31.6.
    Screen: 31.6

    Your selected option from the first screen will show at the bottom. Select the appropriate user checkboxes and click on Update for the system to make changes.


This is the section where the System Administrators themselves are maintained. We suggest that at least two System Administrators must be appointed to maintain User File records, to set system defaults and other options, and to ensure regular backup of user data.

  1. The System Administrator screen will show all the existing details and will give an option to add a new System Administrator.
    To search for an existing user, add the name in the search field and use the relevant dropdown to narrow your search as shown in Screen: 32.

    Screen: 32

  2. To add a System Administrator, click on the Add New button and fill the details as shown in Screen: 32.1. Once done, click on Save.

    Screen: 32.1


This page handles various functions as shown in Screen: 33.

Screen: 33

  1. The SA can select a Senior Buyer from the dropdown to be a Purchasing Manager.
  2. The Purchasing Manager will become the official signatory on all electronically published orders once selected. The SA also has the option to select the Order Buyer or Last Cost Centre Approver as the signatory on an order.
  3. The SA can also allow the Purchasing Manager to assign a Buyer to the requests that he receives. If this option is enabled, a requisition in the system will show a button to Submit for Approval.
  4. If the above option is disabled, buyers will be able to take ownership for requests created in the system. A request will show an option to Take Ownership on the request screen in this scenario.

Note: Click on Save so that the changes are applied to the system. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Job Title

In this section, the System Administrator (SA) can add new Job Titles for users. Furthermore, the SA can also modify the respective Job Titles. Subsequently, these Job Titles are then assigned to the users in the 'User Register' section.

1. To modify the Job Title label, the SA should navigate to Environment Setting ->System Switches -> Job Title. The SA can change the label as desired. Once the changes have been made, they should click on the 'Save' button to ensure that the modifications are saved successfully as shown in the screen below.

Note: After modifying the Job Title label, the updated label will be visible in multiple areas. Firstly, in the User Maintenance section, the Job Title section will display the modified label. Secondly, in the User Register section, the modified label will be shown under the corresponding users. Lastly, within the main application's dashboard, the user details section will also reflect the changed Job Title label.

Screen: 34

2. Now, the SA can proceed to the Job Title section within the User Maintenance. In this section, users are provided can perform various actions such as adding, editing, or deleting job titles based on their specific needs as shown in the screen below:

Screen: 35

3. To add a new Job Title, the SA needs to click on the 'Add New' button as shown in the screen below:

Screen: 36

4. The SA should enter the desired title and proceed to click on the 'Save' button. This action ensures that the newly added Job Title is successfully saved into the system.

Screen: 37

5. Once the new Job Title has been saved, it will be visible in the Job Title Listing section, as shown in the screen below. This listing presents a comprehensive view of all the Job Titles, including the recently added one.

Screen: 38

6. Now, the SA has the ability to assign the Job title to a specific user by navigating to the User Register section. By selecting the desired user, they can proceed to click on the Job Title field. This action triggers a dropdown menu displaying all the Job Titles that have been created in the Job Title section as shown in the Screen below:

Note: The dropdown menu displayed in the Job Title field will show the Job Titles that are currently active.

Screen: 39

7. From the dropdown, the SA can choose the appropriate Job Title that corresponds to the user. Finally, to ensure that the changes are saved, they should click on the 'Save' button.

Screen: 40

8. If a Job Title has been assigned to a user, it cannot be deleted. However, the SA has the option to make the Job Title inactive instead, as demonstrated below. When a Job Title is marked as inactive, it will not appear in the dropdown menu while assigning or changing Job Titles for users.

Screen: 41

9. Furthermore, within the main application, users are provided with the option to view or modify their assigned Job Title by accessing the Dashboard and clicking on the User Details section, as illustrated in the screens below. This grants them the ability to review or make changes to their Job Title as needed.

Screen: 42

Screen: 43

User Role & Permissions

The system administrator can add new roles and their respective permissions for users. They must select the desired user and designate the suitable user role from the 'User Role & Permissions' field in order to assign the chosen user the specified user role along with its corresponding permissions.

1. In order to activate the User Role & Permissions switch, the system administrator (SA) should navigate to Environment Settings -> System Switches -> User Role & Permissions. They should choose the switch to be set as 'Yes' and then proceed to click on the 'Save' button to ensure that the modifications are saved successfully as shown in the screen below.

Screen: 44

2. After activating the switch, the SA will be able to see the User Role & Permissions section within the User Maintenance area, as illustrated below.

Screen: 45

3. To add a new User Role and assign its corresponding permissions, the SA needs to click on the 'Add New' button as shown in the screen below. At this stage, the SA should specify the User role name and assign permissions such as Read and Write, Read Only, or No Access for Data Files, Account Codes, and Function.

Screen: 46

4. In case the SA intends to assign Read and Write, Read Only, or No Access permissions to the entire section of Data Files, Account Codes, and Function, they can do so by selecting the dropdown menu displayed at the top of the screen adjacent to the Data Files, Account Codes, and Function. For example, if the SA desires to assign Read and Write permissions for the entire Data Files section, they should select 'Read and Write' from the dropdown menu located at the top of the screen next to the Data Files and click on ‘Save’, as illustrated below.

Screen: 47

5. To choose the desired Read and Write, Read Only, or No Access permissions for a specific section, the SA can click on the dropdown menu adjacent to that particular section. For example, if the SA desires to assign Read and Write permissions for items, they should select 'Read and Write' from the dropdown menu located next to the items section and click on ‘Save’, as illustrated below.

Screen: 48

6. After saving the new user role and its corresponding permissions, the newly added User Role & Permissions can be viewed into the selected user’s ‘User Role & Permissions’ dropdown list as illustrated below:

Screen: 49

7. After selecting the user role from the 'User Role & Permissions' dropdown list, the SA can view the permissions associated with the chosen user role by clicking on the 'User Role Permissions View' icon, as shown below.

Screen: 50

8. In order to save the selected User Role & Permissions for the user, the SA needs to click on the 'Save' button, as illustrated below.

Screen: 51

9. If the SA decides not to utilize any of the existing user roles in the future, even if they are currently assigned to some users, they can deactivate those user roles. Once a user role is deactivated, it will no longer appear in the 'User Roles & Permissions' dropdown list when assigning user roles to new users. However, the deactivated user role will still be visible for users who are already assigned to it.

Screen: 52


This Request category has the following functions as shown in RequestScreen-1.



By switching on this function, an SA can ensure that all requests that are processed into an )Order or RFQ are sent to a Request Approver for an approval as shown in RequestScreen-2.


The SA can assign Request Approvers to Users under User Maintenance> User Register.

Auto Generate REQUEST

This function if activated, will enable the system to generate a Request against a Quick Order automatically. If this option is disabled, you can generate a Quick Order without the system creating a corresponding Request.


Customer Request Originator

This allows you to assign a Customer Request Originator who will be responsible to process requisitions that will be created by customers using the eBuyerAssist Customer Module.



The business process may differ across organizations. Therefore, to customize the application and adhere to the business process followed by your organization, the fields under requisitions can be set as mandatory or optional.This ensures that a specific field cannot be null. For example, it might be essential for Requisitions that an Account Code be mandatory. To assign mandatory fields, select the relevant fields and click on Save as shown in Screen: XIV



This category has the following functions as shown in OrderScreen-1.



This provides the option to store the text that will go on the Supplier's copy of the Purchase Order as shown in OrderScreen-2.


Enter the text and click on Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful will get displayed at the bottom of the screen.


This provides the SA with an option to select the Order Status at which the budget should be deducted as shown in OrderScreen-3.


Example: The option to deduct the budget is at Issuance Stage. This would mean that an order created in the month of March but issued in April will have its value deducted from the budget in the month of April. Select the relevant option and click on Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.


Excess Tolerance defined in percentage or value, that by which the total order value can exceed the requested budget as shown in OrderScreen-4.


Many orders can be generated from one Purchase Requisition but the system ensures that the total value is less than initial Request Budget (RB). Setting an Excess Tolerance in this section allows the total value of the PO’s generated from this requisition to fall within the defined RB plus a percentage tolerance as shown in Screen: XVIII.
These can be set at the Amendment and Approved Status of the order.
For e.g. If the tolerance is set to 5% at the amendment status, then a $10,000 requisition can have an order totaling up to $10,500 but not more than that. The same logic can be applied to the quantity of each line item and a tolerance can be set either at GR or Invoice.
Add the details and click on Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.


This provides the option to ensure that a specific field is mandatory on a purchase order and must have a value as shown in OrderScreen-5.


Select the relevant fields and click on Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.


This function has been discussed in detail in a separate document. To find this document, Click here

The System Administrator can go to Request for Quotation > Set RFQ Required Limit switch on the Activate RFQ Limit and enter the RFQ limit as shown in RFQ Screen-1

RFQ Screen-1

It would be mandatory for all requests to go through the RFQ process, if the RFQ limit is exceeded before it is converted to a purchase order. Requisitions under that value do not have to go through the RFQ process but you can still choose to initiate it.

Request For Proposal Settings

This function has been discussed in detail in a separate document. To find this document, Click here

This section is for Request for Proposal (RFP). Here, the SA can switch on the Show/Hide RFP Price as shown in RFP Screen-1. If switched on, the supplier’s quotations will be visible as and when they come into the system. If switched off, quotations will be visible only after the tender date.

RFP Screen-1

The URL shown here is the one that can be published on the company’s website so that existing and potential suppliers can quote prices based on the RFP information available on it.

The payment function if enabled, will ensure that suppliers make a payment before submitting their quotations.


This category has the following functions as shown in System Approval Screen-1.

System Approval Screen-1


The SA can activate the Cost Centre Approval and set a limit as shown Screen: XXI [A].

Screen: XXI [A]

This implies that every order which exceeds this pre-set limit would require a formal sign-off by one or more Approvers.
Once done, the SA would also need to assign Cost Centers to Users under User Maintenance> User Register and set their approval limits.
The SA can also select the various approval options as shown in Screen: XXI [A] to direct the functioning of the approval workflow. The details of the 3 options are as follows:

  • Option 1 - Skip over Subordinates and allow Final Approver only – When this option is selected as shown in Screen: XXI [A], the only Approvers who will show on orders would be the ones whose approval limit matches or is higher than the order split value. If the Populate Cost Center Approver(s) is activated, the ssytem will automatically populate the relevant approvers and if it is disabled then users will need to select the approvers manually.
  • Option 2 – Under Allows the Final Approver subordinates to also sign, the SA can select Allows the Final Approver subordinates to also sign as shown in Screen: XXI [B].
    Screen: XXI [B]

    When this option is selected, all the Approvers belonging to the relevant cost center will get populated regardless of the order split value.
    If the Delete option, as shown above, is also selected then the User will be allowed to delete Approvers and choose the person to whom the order should be sent for approvals.

  • Option 3 - Under Allows the Final Approver Subordinates to also sign, you can select Allow all Subordinates and a single higher level financial Authority, as shown in Screen: XXI [C].
    Screen: XXI [C]

    When this option is selected, all Approvers whose limit is lower than the order split value and one Approver whose limit matches or is higher than the order split value get populated.
    If the Delete option as shown in Screen: XXI [C], then the User will be allowed to Delete Approvers and choose the person to whom the order should be sent for approvals. These Approvers can be the ones whose limit is lower than the split value. However, you need to select one Approver who matches the split value or is higher.


An SA can select a Default Cost Centre Approver for each Cost Centre by clicking the perticular cost center as shown in Screen: XXII.

Screen: XXII

Once added, the Approver can also be removed by clicking on the x icon.
When a particular Cost Centre is selected in an order, the Default Approver will automatically get populated if the Approver’s limit matches or is higher than the order split value..

Note: This function is only available when the option of Skip over Subordinates and allow Final Approver only is on and the checkbox for Populate Cost Centre Approvers is checked under System Approval> Cost Centre Approval.


Before processing a Purchase Order, you may require a formal sign-off by one or more Designated Approvers, for any Order, which exceeds a pre-set limit. In addition, you can set a filter so that the Approvers may only sign-off for a specific Cost Centre and to the value of a pre-set limit.

Activating & assigning the approvals:

To activate these approvals, you, the System Administrator can log into the Sysadmin section and go to System Approval > Cost Centre Approval and switch the function on as highlighted in System Approval Screen-2. Once it is switched on, you can set the Cost Centre Approval Limit as shown in System Approval Screen-2. Cost Centre approval will become mandatory on orders when the Order Cost Centre split value exceeds the set System Cost Centre Approval (threshold) limit.

System Approval Screen-2

  • Cost Centres can be created by logging into the main application either by you or a user that has the relevant permission. These Cost Centres will not be available for selection on any Order/Request unless Approvers are assigned to them.
  • To assign Approvers to Cost Centres, you need to log into the Sysadmin section of the application, select a User from the list and then select the Cost Centre/s that you want them to belong to. Along with this, you can set their approval limits. This can be done under User Maintenance > User Register as shown in System Approval Screen-3
    System Approval Screen-3

  • According to the business and approval requirement, the System Administrator will select one of the Cost Centre Approval options in the Sysadmin section under System Approval > Cost Centre Approval.

Various Approval Options & their Functions:

Learn how approvals work with an example:

System’s Cost Centre Threshold Limit (as shown in Screen I) - 2000 USD

A new Cost Centre created: Account

Below Users are marked as Cost Centre Approvers with Approver limits and the “Account” Cost Centre assigned to all.

  • John Smith  –   0-1000 USD (approval limits)

  • Paul Simon  –  1100-1500 USD

  • Jack Peterson  –  1600-2000 USD

  • David Williams  –  2100-2500 USD

  • Michael Scott  –  2600-3000 USD

“Account” is now a Default Cost Centre for the above Users.


Skip over Subordinates and allow Final Approver only – The approvers whose approval limit matches or is higher than the cost center split value will be selected.

System Approval Screen-4

Populate Cost Centre Approver(s): When this function is switched, then the relevant Approvers will get automatically populated. If it is not switched on, then users will need to select the approvers manually

This approval workflow will function as follows:

  • When you create an order with a split value of 2000 USD or less, the Cost Centre Approval status will remain OPTIONAL as the system’s approval threshold limit is 2000 USD.

  • You can still go ahead and select the Cost Centre and its Approvers manually. The only Approvers that will be available for selection will be the ones whose approval limit matches or is higher than the split value. For example, if the split value is 2000 USD, then you will be able to select from Jack Peterson, David Williams and Michael Scott.

  • Scenario I: If your order has 2 manually selected Cost Centres with a 50-50% split percentage, then each Cost Centre would have 1000 USD as its split value. In this case, you can manually select Approvers from each Cost Centre whose limit matches 1000 or higher than 1000 USD.

  • Scenario II: If your order split value is 5000 USD and you have manually selected the above Cost Centre, the warning message as shown in Screen III will appear, when you try to select approvers.This is because there are no approvers with the relevant approval limit to sign-off.

    System Approval Screen-5

    With this option, you can also assign a Default Cost Centre Approver under System Approval> Set Cost Centre Default Approver as shown in the below screen. Click on the cost centre and select the default approver from the list available. This means that each cost centre can have an approver who will automatically receive the approval email when selected on an order.

    System Approval Screen-6

  • When the “Populate Cost Centre Approvers” function is switched on , then the relevant Approvers will get automatically populated. However, if there is a Default Approver selected, his name will get populated if his approval limit matches or is higher.

  • If you have not selected any default approver and your split value is for example 2500 USD, David Williams’s name will show up as an Approver. If the split value was 2600 USD, then Michael Scott’s name would show up. The Approver whose limit matches or is the closest to the split value on the higher side will be populated. You can manually go ahead and add more Approvers, if you wish to.

Note : The System Administrator can set an Approval Limit range for users only when this option is selected. Users can have a single approval limit when the other 2 approval options are selected.


Allows the Final Approver subordinates to also sign – All the approvers of the selected cost center will get populated regardless of the approval limit. Approvers with the same approval limits will show alphabetically.

Delete Cost Centre Approver(s): This function will allow you to delete Approvers and choose the person to whom the order should be sent for approvals.

System Approval Screen-7

This will function as follows:

  • You will notice that this will remove the option of selecting a Default Approver.

  • When you create a new order, the User default Cost Centre and all its Approvers automatically get populated. This is regardless of the split value of the order. For example, if the split value is 2100 USD and Account is the Cost Centre, then John Smith, Paul Simon, Jack Peterson, David Williams and Michael Scott will all show as Approvers.

  • Scenario I: If the split value is for example 1700 USD, the User default Cost Centre and its Approvers will populate. However, you can delete the Cost Centre as it’s not mandatory and proceed with your order.

  • Scenario II: If you switch on the delete option as above, then you will be allowed to delete Approvers and choose the person to whom the order should be sent for approvals.


Allow all Subordinates and a single higher-level financial Authority - All approvers whose limit is lower than the split value and one Approver whose limit matches or is closest to the split value, on the higher side, will be populated.

System Approval Screen-8

Delete Cost Centre Approver(s): This function will allow you to delete Approvers and choose the person to whom the order should be sent for approvals.

This will function as follows:

  •  You will notice that this will remove the option of selecting a Default Approver.

  •   When you create a new order, the User default Cost Centre along with the Approver whose limit is the lowest is automatically populated. For example when you click on ‘add new’ for an order and a new order page opens, the split value is zero as you have not started adding items as yet. At this time, Account Cost Centre and John Smith will be populated (as his approval limit of 1000 USD is the closest to zero on the higher side).

  •   When you add items worth for example, 2200 USD, then all Approvers whose limit is lower than the split value and one Approver whose limit matches or is closest to the split value, on the higher side, will be populated. In the example given above, for a split value of 2200 USD, John Smith, Paul Simon, Jack Peterson and David Williams will show as Approvers.

  •  The same set of Approvers would show if the split value was 2500 USD.

  •  Scenario I: The split value is 2700 USD, then John Smith, Paul Simon, Jack Peterson, David Williams and Michael Scott would show as Approvers.

  •  Scenario II: Since the delete function is not switched on, you will not be able to delete any Approvers and the mail will go to all the Approvers that get populated.

  •  Scenario III: If the delete function is switched on, you can select Approvers to whom the order should be sent. These Approvers can be the ones whose limit is lower than the split value. However, you need to select one Approver who matches the split value or is higher.


Group Approval is an approval process for orders. For example, if a group named 'Sales' is created for the Sales Team, the system will send emails to the group members. Only one member of the group needs to approve or reject the order.

1) To enable this feature, the system administrator needs to switch the 'Activate Group Approval' button to 'Yes' as shown on Screen: 1. The system administrator can set a threshold limit, such as $1,000, above which Group Approval becomes mandatory for all orders.



2) To add a New Group, the system administrator needs to click ‘Add New’ as shown on Screen: 2.


3) The system administrator must enter the group code and description, then click ‘Save’ as shown on Screen: 3.


4) After saving, the system administrator should select the group members by clicking the ‘Select Group Members’ button as shown on Screen: 4.


5) The system administrator can choose one or more group members (users) who will receive approval emails when the current group is assigned to any purchase orders. After selecting the group members, click the ‘Save’ button as shown on Screen: 5.


6) After saving, a new 'Sales' group is created, with 3 users designated as group approvers in the system. Select the ‘Active’ button to ‘Yes’ to activate the group as shown on Screen: 6.


7) If the Mandatory checkbox is selected, it means that if an order exceeds the threshold limit set for Group Approvals, approval from this particular group will be mandatory as shown on Screen: 7.


For example, If there are 5 groups added to the system and the Mandatory checkbox is not selected for any of the groups. When a purchase order exceeds $1000, the system will allow the user to choose any of the 5 groups for approval. However, if the Mandatory checkbox is selected for a group, the system will prompt you to select the mandatory group when a purchase order exceeds $1000.

8) The screen below shows the listing page where all added groups will be displayed. To find a specific group, the system administrator can enter details in the search field and select options from the dropdown menu.


9) On the order screen, you can select the "Sales" group. When the order is submitted for approval, all 3 group members will receive an email for approval. Only one approver is needed for the order to proceed to the next approval stage, if applicable, or move to the next step in the process.


Set Rule Approval

Under the System Approval section> Set Rule Approval, the System Administrator can activate the 'Rule Approval' feature by switching the 'Activate Rule Approval' button to 'Yes'. as shown in System Approval Screen-14

System Approval Screen-14

Once activated, 2 more options will be available under System Approval, namely - Set Approval Rules and Set Rule Approval - User Group as shown in System Approval Screen-15

System Approval Screen-15

As shown in the System Approval Screen-16, when the 'Auto Populate Rule Approver(s)' button is switched to 'Yes', it will automatically populate the Rule Approver(s) in the order.
When the 'Delete Rule Approver(s)' button is switched to 'Yes', it will allow deleting the Rule Approver(s) in the order.
We have elaborated on both the switches, please refer to the 'Orders->Rule Approval' section in the 'User Manual'.

System Approval Screen-16

You will need to first select a user as an Rule Approver. The System Administrator can do this under User Maintenance > User Register > Select User to view the below screen. Under Approval dropdown switch on the Rule Approver to select user as a rule approver. Then from the dropdown, select whether this user will be an approver for Order, Request or Both as shown in System Approval Screen-17 and also add an approval limit as shown in System Approval Screen-18

System Approval Screen-17

System Approval Screen-18

Set System Rule Approval

To create a new Rule, go to System Approval> Set System Approval Rules and click on the Add New button as shown on System Approval Screen-19 to see System Approval Screen-20. Add Rule Name, Description, Select Rule for Request or Order, Approver Type, and click on the 'Add Rule' button

System Approval Screen-19

System Approval Screen-20

Click on the Add Rule button to proceed to System Approval Screen-21 to select criteria:

Hover on any of the criteria, click on the plus icon to add criteria as highlighted in System Approval Screen-21

System Approval Screen-21

While selecting criteria, users can view 'Equal To' and 'Not Equal To' options as shown in System Approval Screen-22. For e.g., here the category code is 'Equal To' Architectural implies the rule will be fired only when Architectural is selected as a category in the order.

System Approval Screen-22

Note: Users can also use the 'Not Equal To' option. For e.g. If the user has selected Category 'Not Equal To'  Architectural then the rule will be fired only after selecting any of the categories other than Architectural.

As we have added criteria for category similarly users can also add other criteria. Once the criteria are added, all the criteria will be seen in the 'Selected Criteria' section as shown in System Approval Screen-23. Click on 'Next' to add Rule Approver.

System Approval Screen-23

On the Rule Approver tab, users can see the 'Single Approvers' and 'Group Approvers' options. Here, we are adding 'Single Approvers' as an example. Click on the Add icon and add approver(s). All the selected approvers will be seen in the 'Selected Approvers' as shown in System Approval Screen-24 and click on 'Finish'.

System Approval Screen-24

Note: In the 'Selected Approver' section, the user can drag the approvers to re-index. This means that when an Order is created using this rule, the approval email will first go to Aida Bugg.

Once the user has clicked on 'Finish', the user will be redirected to the 'Rule Details' screen. You need to make this rule active and click on the 'Update Rule' button. To use this Rule on an Order, you will need to publish the rule by clicking on the 'Publish Rule' button as shown in the System Approval Screen-25.

System Approval Screen-25

Once the rule is published, the user can see the below confirmation message as shown in the System Approval Screen-26

System Approval Screen-26

This Rule will now be live on the system. Without publishing a rule, you will not be able to apply this rule on Request/Order.

Note: You need to click on active for the rule to function. If at some point you do not wish to use this rule, you can deactivate it. It will stay active on existing orders/requests but not on any new ones. The Update Rule button lets you make changes to the rule. However, it is the Publish Rule button that makes it live on the system.

When an order is created with an order value greater than 100 and meets all the criteria of the rule that was created in the previous steps, the Rule will get fired and the selected approvers will be populated for approval.

You can also create a Rule as per the approval limit. To do so, you need to ensure that approval limits for users are set under User Maintenance> User Register> Select User as shown in System Approval Screen-27 below:

System Approval Screen-27

Next, you can click on System Approval> Set Approval Rules> Add New and select As per Approval Limit as shown in System Approval Screen-28

System Approval Screen-28

You can select the criteria as done earlier and then add approvers. Please note that here you can only add single approvers and the option to add group approver will be disabled as shown in System Approval Screen-29

System Approval Screen-29

Click on Rule Details tab that will take you to Step 1 again to make the rule active, update it and to be published.

Users can view the rule details such as Rule Name, Rule Description, Criteria selected, Approver(s) selected, Rule created for e.g. Request or Order and Active in the 'Rule Approval Listing Report'. as shown in System Approval Screen-30 and System Approval Screen-31

System Approval Screen-30

System Approval Screen-31

Set Rule Approval-User Group

You can also create Rule Approval Groups by clicking on System Approval > Set Rule Approval – User Group > Add New as shown in System Approval Screen-32 and follow the steps to see System Approval Screen-33

System Approval Screen-32

System Approval Screen-33

Add the details, select whether this needs to be active on an order, request or both, the site that it should belong to (this option is only visible if you have Sites in your system) and make it active as shown in System Approval Screen-34 below:

System Approval Screen-34

You can now select group members by clicking on Select Group Members as shown in System Approval Screen-35 below:

System Approval Screen-35

Once the group is created, you need to add it to a rule for it to work. Please note that group approvers can only be added when the Approver Type is Direct. The system will not allow you to select the group approvers when the Approver Type is selected 'As per Approval Limit'. You can add groups on step 3 as shown in System Approval Screen-36 below:

System Approval Screen-36

An order can have multiple rules and it is possible that more than 1 rule can be fired on the order. All the approvers associated with the rules will be loaded on the Order.

The above steps showed how we created Rule for Orders. In the same way, we can create Rule for Request as well, and then whenever that criteria matches in Request, that rule and corresponding approvers will be populated automatically.


This category has the functions as shown in Invoice & Payment Screen-1

Invoice & Payment Screen-1

Assign Invoice Approver

This section will activate the Invoice approvals system. To activate switch on the invoice approvals as shown in Invoice & Payment Screen-2

Invoice & Payment Screen-2

Once you click the check box, you will get the dropdown to select a Default Invoice Approver. You can select the Invoice Approver and click on Save. Once saved, the message Update Successful will appear.

Note: The list of Invoice Approvers will appear only if a User is selected to be an Invoice Approver. You can check if the User is an Invoice Approver by going to User Maintenance> User Register. Click on the User to check if the Invoice Approver check box is ticked and click on Save

Dynamic Invoice Email - OCR

The Invoice & Payment Screen-3 has 3 functions as shown below:

Invoice & Payment Screen-3

Switch ON 'Dynamic Email' if you want a dynamic email to be generated for each order that is sent to the Vendors. The vendor can send invoices to the dynamically generated email address. The invoice will get automatically uploaded under Order > Invoices > Attached Invoice(s). The Buyer of the Order will be notified with an email when an invoice is attached to the order. as shown in Screen: XXVII

Switch ON Dynamic External Invoice to enable the system to automatically read the invoice(s) that a supplier emails as an attachment.These can be seen under Order > Invoices > Attached Invoice(s) as well. This process is done by using the OCR technology which is also known as text recognition. It is used to differentiate between printed or handwritten text characters on a scanned document. The elementary process involves recognizing the text and translating the characters into code which can further be used for data processing. These automatically generated invoices can also be seen in Order > Invoices > External Invoice.

Note: A supplier / vendor can attach maximum of 3 invoices in the mail

You can also select an External Invoice Approver here who will be responsible for approving or rejecting invoices created through the Supplier Portal or via OCR.

Dynamic Invoicing - OCR

This setting switches ON the Invoice Optical Character Recognition (OCR) process. Enabling this will display a new menu option under Order > Invoices > Attached Invoice(s). On Selecting this menu option the user can attach a PDF file of the relevant invoice that they were sent from the supplier. Once attached it then displays a 'Read Invoice' option - which if selected then sends the Invoice PDF to an external OCR process - that returns the values it sees on the invoice and this creates a new Invoice record in the system. The user then gets the opportunity to compare the physical PDF image with the values the system 'read' to ensure there are no OCR errors. It allows the buyer to manually select an invoice which 'reads' the Invoice Number, Invoice Date and the Invoice Amount and gives the buyer an option of creating the invoice record. Selecting No here will turn off this whole process. This can be seen in Invoice & Payment Screen-4 as shown below:

Invoice & Payment Screen-4

Invoice Number Uniqueness

Under this section, the SA will be able to select the type of invoice system you need to define in your system. The SA can select from three options as shown below in Invoice & Payment Screen-5 and then click on Save.

  1. Set unique invoice per order
  2. Set unique invoice per supplier
  3. Set unique invoice per system

The option you select will decide the type of invoice that the system accepts.

Invoice & Payment Screen-5

Payment Type

This section as shown below in Invoice & Payment Screen-6 will allow you to select the method by which payments would be logged against line items. The options are as follows:

Payment per Item: This would mean that payments can be logged against each item. For example, if an invoice has 3 items for $100 each, the user has to log a payment against each item.

Payment on Reducing Method: This option will log payments against line items using the Reducing Method. For example, if an invoice has 3 items of $100 each and a partial payment of $250 was made, then the system will assign $100 to the first and second item and $50 would go to the third item.

Payment on Ratio Method: Payments in this option would be logged against each item in a ratio. For example, if an invoice has 3 line items of $100 each and a partial payment of $150 is made against the invoice then the system will assign $50 per item.

Invoice & Payment Screen-6

Shipping Charges

This function as shown below in Invoice & Payment Screen-7 if enabled, will allow a user to add Shipping charges to an order after is has been Issued.

Invoice & Payment Screen-7

Order - Invoice

When the 'Order - Invoice' button is switch to 'Yes, the system will enable the option to add a "New Order-Invoice" from the main application. The system will read the uploaded file, extract the order and invoice details, and will create an 'Unissued' order.

Invoice & Payment Screen-8


This category has the following functions as shown in Environment Settings Screen-1.

Screen: Environment Settings Screen-1

Asset Register

This option is available only when you have opted for the Asset Management module.

When the SA clicks on the Depreciate button as shown in Environment Settings Screen-2, all the assets which have been selected for depreciation on the available methods i.e. Straight Line or Reducing Balance method will get depreciated.

Unless the SA does not give the command by clicking on the Depreciate button, the assets will not get depreciated in the Asset Management module.

Environment Settings Screen-2

Note: It is necessary that you select the items to be depreciated on the method of your choice, only then will the above button function


The SA can select the number of days post which the system will update the currency rates from Google’s Web Currency API.

Environment Settings Screen-4

Note: If the value is 0, the currency will not be updated at all.


To save Users’ input time at point of Requisition/Order Entry, certain key values are defaulted for them -these defaults are assigned at this point as shown in Environment Settings Screen-5.

Environment Settings Screen-5

To select a default value, the SA needs to click on the Folder Icon next to the field and select a default value as shown in Environment Settings Screen-6.

Environment Settings Screen-6

Click on the Delivery Code that needs to be selected. The others can be done in the same way. Click Save once all the values are selected. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: The way this works is that the system will first pick up any user defaults that the SA has assigned to individual users under User Register. In the absence of this, the system will pick up the default values set here. A user has the option to accept or override these values at the time of creating requests and orders. In order for there to be values in the drop down lists in this section you must ensure that at least one regular user has first logged into the system and entered the values into the database for Delivery, Invoice and Order Type otherwise there will be no records to select from in this section


This provides the SA the option to configure email related information such as Email trailer text and Department Email Addresses as shown in Environment Settings Screen-7.

Environment Settings Screen-7

The Email Trailer Text is Appended to the body of an email for use as notes or a disclaimer.

A new request created in the system is always sent to the Purchasing Department. When the System Administrator activates the switch for Request Ownership under User Maintenance> Purchasing Manager then the request goes to the Purchasing Manager for approval. When this switch is disabled and the buyer submits a request, an email goes to the one mentioned here to the purchasing department.

Select if you want to send a copy of the purchase order to the accounts email address and add a Receiving Department email, if you want to send an email notification whenever an item is booked-in.

Add the details and click Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: This email trailer text will be appended to the body of emails.


This section allows the Administrator to modify the system to use more familiar account code terminology. As an example, all the expenditure code names can be renamed to names such as Account Code, Cost Code, General Ledger Code, Project Code etc. This would reflect the terminology used in your own organization. Expenditure codes 1, 2 and 3 are used on the Requisition/Order Header and apply on the order as a whole, whereas Expenditure codes 4, 5 and 6 apply to each Requisition/Order Line as shown in Environment Settings Screen-8

Environment Settings Screen-8

The SA needs to click Save once the details are added. On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

External Customer

The following screen is available to the SA only when you have the Customer module. This module will allow new customers to register and do business on your system. The URL as shown in Environment Settings Screen-9, can be sent to your customers so that they can register with your company.

Environment Settings Screen-9


This screen permits you to modify the Currency Code, Currency Name and the Default Tax %. Any currency code can be used as per ISO4217 as adopted by the international banking community. The SA can also select whether the tax should be picked from the Delivery File or Supplier File on Orders as shown in Environment Settings Screen-10.

Environment Settings Screen-10

The SA can also select whether the system should display Net Price or Gross Price on the system.

Enter the details and click Save. On successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Note: System Base Currency Code and Currency Name cannot be modified if there are live orders on the system.

Financial Period

Setting the financial year and switching the Auto-Increment ON will ensure that the system automatically updates itself to the new fiscal year on reports etc.

1. Option 1 allows you to carry forward the current financial year budgets onto the next financial year as soon as the new fiscal year starts.

Environment Settings Screen-11

2. Option 2 lets you reset all your budgets to zero in the new fiscal year.

Environment Settings Screen-11.1

3. Option 3 will let you import budget data from Excel into your system for the new financial year. To do this, you will need to select the group to which you want to import data and click the Upload button as shown below.

Environment Settings Screen-11.2

Once you select the group and click Upload, you will see the below screen where you can import Excel with new budgets for the selected group. Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Environment Settings Screen-11.3

Prefix Document Number

1. To add a prefix before Order and Request numbers, users must access the system administrator section and navigate to Environment Settings -> Prefix Document Number. In this section, the system administrator can configure the prefix for Order and Request numbers individually using the provided switches as shown below in screen-1.

Prefix Screen-1

2. Now the system administrator must select the switches, input the desired prefix value into the designated field, and click on the "Save" button to ensure that the changes are saved as shown below in screen-2.

Prefix Screen-2

3. Once the prefix value has been set in the system adminsitration section, the user will observe that when they add a new request, the request number will now appear with the configured prefix value as shown below in screen-3.

Prefix Screen-3

4. Similarly, Once the prefix value has been set in the system adminsitration section, the user will observe that when they add a new order, the order number will now appear with the configured prefix value as shown below in screen- 4

Prefix Screen-4

Note. The request & order number with the specified prefix will be consistently used throughout the system.


In this step you can exercise an option to Re-Sequence the Order Number. To do so, type the New Order Number and click Save as shown in Environment Settings Screen-12.

Environment Settings Screen-12

On a successful update, the message Update Successful is displayed at the bottom of the screen.


The SA has 2 options to send emails out of the EBA system as shown in Environment Settings Screen-13.

Environment Settings Screen-13

  1. If you want to use your own email server for sending outbound emails, you need to select the 'Use SMTP Server' option and enter the credentials that will enable this feature. All emails will be sent through one generic user account that you enter. This generic email account should have been setup by your System Administrator before using this option.
  2. If users want outbound emails to go from their personal email account then select the 'Enable Individual User Email Accounts' option. User will have to enter their personal email credentials under 'Personal Details' after they login to the system. All outbound emails will be sent through user email account and will appear in their 'sent email' box. If user does not enter their personal credentials, by default email will be sent using eBuyerAssist SMTP.

Once SA selects the option and enters the correct credentials, a test email will be sent out to confirm the working of your email settings.


The SA needs to select the relevant time zone here as shown in Environment Settings Screen-14.

Environment Settings Screen-14


There are multiple functions as shown in Environment Settings Screen-15.

Environment Settings Screen-15

  1. Secure Log in – If the SA checks this box, then Users will need to enter details in the Captcha box as an additional security check before logging into the system as shown in Environment Settings Screen-16.

    Environment Settings Screen-16

  2. Two – Factor Authentication – The SA can check this box for additional security. If this box is checked, Users have to activate their individual security by updating their profile and selecting Two Factor Authentication.
  3. Enforce every user – You can enforce Tow Factor Authentication for all users at the same time by switching on the “Enforce every user” switch.
  4. External Approval Log in – If the SA checks this box, Approvers will need to enter their credentials when they try and access the EBA system through the approval email.
  5. Secure password – Switch this on if you want users to update their passwords periodically. Once switched on, you can decide the number of months post which users will be asked to update their passwords.
  6. Login with One Time Password (OTP) – Switch this option on if you want users to login with One Time Password (OTP).
  7. IP Restriction – Switch this on to enable IP restriction. Once switched on, you can restrict the IP addresses and enter exceptions where required.
  8. Single Sign On – This can be used to sign into the eBA application as an alternate option.

Once the relevant options are switched ON/OFF, the SA needs to click on Save. On a successful update, the message Update Successful well get displayed at the bottom of the screen.


This provides various options to SA to set in the system, which will reflect on the workflow as shown in Environment Settings Screen-17 and Environment Settings Screen-18.

Environment Settings Screen-17

Environment Settings Screen-18

These options are as follows:

  1. Allow Self–Registration – This step allows any potential User to register themselves through the Self-Registration hyperlink on the login page. However, they will not be able to log in until a System Administrator assigns them an available license. If this option is checked, the User will the option as shown in Environment Settings Screen-19 on the log in page.

    Environment Settings Screen-19

    Users can enter their own details through this link. Upon clicking the link, the User will see Environment Settings Screen-20 to enter the details.

    Environment Settings Screen-20

    Once the details are entered, the User needs to click Submit which will display the message as shown in Environment Settings Screen-21.

    Environment Settings Screen-21

    The user will also receive the below email as shown in Environment Settings Screen-22:

    Environment Settings Screen-22

    At the same time, an email will be sent to the System Administrator alerting him/her that the system has registered a New User as shown in Environment Settings Screen-23.

    Screen: Environment Settings Screen-23

  2. Auto Email Schedule (Days) for Cost Centre - An Approver is automatically alerted (via email) that a request still requires their approval after the number of days selected here. This function will only trigger if value is higher than 0.
  3. Recurring Auto Email Schedule - Selecting this will allow the system to continuously send email reminders in the above selected number of days. The function will only trigger when Auto Email Schedule (Days) > 0
  4. Data Listing Option – The number of data listings shown on each page will be as per this number selected.
  5. Request Email to Purchase Department - Selecting this will allow the system to advise the purchasing department when a new requisition has been entered.
  6. Request for Supplier Confirmation - Selecting this will allow the Suppliers to Accept / Reject Purchase Order sent to them via email.
  7. Tax Label - This is the tax type that will appear on all screens and reports, for E.g. Sales Tax, VAT, etc.
  8. Reference Number – This is a user definable soft label. What is entered here will appear on requests and orders.
  9. Users Can Approve their own orders - The SA can select whether Approvers should be allowed to approve their own orders or not.
  10. Create Request / Order on behalf of – The SA can select whether or not a Senior Buyer can raise a new Request on behalf of a Requestor and whether or not the Senior Buyer can raise a new Quick Order on behalf of a Buyer.
  11. Order Negative And Zero Value – The SA can check this box if purchase orders should be allowed to have negative and zero values.
  12. Show Payment Terms – The SA can check this box to show Supplier Payment Terms on Purchase Orders.
  13. Set Discount Type - Discount on Request and Order are set as percentage (%). If the SA checks this box, then the User gets an option to enter discounts as a value or percentage.
  14. Account Code Update - Select to update account code in Order at PENDING Status.
  15. Active Group Item - Select if you want to show Group Items.
  16. Prefix PO Number with Doc Type Code
  17. Merge Order Line Items into PO Report - Select if you want to allow the system to merge line items with the same Item Code, Description, Due Date and Supplier Part Number into one in Purchase Order Report.
  18. Screen: Environment Settings Screen-24

    1.When a user adds two or more items with identical "Item Code" and "Item Description" "Due Date" and "Supplier Part Number" to a Purchase Order (PO), these items will be combined into a single line item on the PO, showing the total quantity.
    For example, if you order the same item i.e. Item 1222 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA 94103 - twice, the system will group them together on the PO as one line item but, the total quantity will be shown as 2.00 as shown on screen-26.

    Screen: Environment Settings Screen-25

    Screen: Environment Settings Screen-26

  19. GR Invoice Mandatory - Select if you want to allow the system to create Invoice only when Goods Received is done.

Supplier Management

This category has the following functions as shown in Screen-1

Supplier Management Screen-1

Item/Price Approval

In this section, the System Administrator (SA) has the ability to enable the 'Activate Supplier Update' feature and designate a Supplier Manager. The supplier can add a new item or can make changes to the item price through the supplier portal. After the supplier adds a new item or updates the item price, a notification email will be sent to the assigned 'Supplier Manager'. The Supplier Manager will then have the option to either Accept or Reject the newly added item or updated item price

Note: Please be advised that in order to utilize the 'Item/Price Approval' functionality, the user must have access to the Supplier Portal module.

1. To enable the 'Activate Supplier Update' button and set it to 'Yes', the SA needs to navigate to the 'Supplier Management' -> 'External Supplier' tab. Choose the user for 'Supplier Manager' from the provided dropdown menu, and then save the changes by clicking on the 'Update' button as shown in Screen-3.

Supplier Management Screen-3

2. To add a new item, the supplier needs to log in to the Supplier Portal. They should navigate to the 'Items' tab and click on the 'Add New' button. They have to fill out all the required fields and click on 'Next' to proceed as demonstrated in Screen-4.

Supplier Management Screen-4

3. Upon clicking 'Next', the supplier can view a success message confirming the item has been added successfully. Simultaneously, an email notification will be sent to the Supplier Manager for item approval.

Furthermore, the supplier also has the option to enter additional item details, including UPC, Supplier Part Number, Unit, Lead Time, Discount, Sales Tax, and even attach an image for the item. Once entered, they need to click on the 'Save' button as demonstrated in Screen-5.

Note: The option to add additional item details will be visible just once. Upon saving the item, all fields related to the item will appear in a disabled state.

Supplier Management Screen-5

4. Here is an example of an approval email that is sent to the Supplier Manager for the newly created item. The email includes item details such as Item Code, Description, and Price. To view the list of all items that require approval, the supplier manager should click on the 'Click Here' button as shown in Screen-6.

Supplier Management Screen-6

5. Once the supplier manager clicks on the "Click Here" button, they can access the list of all newly created items which are awaiting their approval. The supplier manager has the option to 'Accept' the item(s) through two methods:

  • By clicking on the individual item, the item details page will present the item status as "On Hold" as shown in Screen-7. They can then change the status to "In-Use" and confirm the change by clicking 'Save' as shown in Screen-7.1
  • They can select the checkbox corresponding to that item or select the 'Select All' checkbox to approve all items, and click on the "Accept" button.
  • Additionally, the supplier manager has the ability to search for items based on the supplier name. By selecting a specific supplier from the dropdown menu seen at the top of the page, the system will display all items associated with that particular supplier as shown in Screen-7.2.

    Supplier Management Screen-7

    Supplier Management Screen-7.1

    Supplier Management Screen-7.2

    6. After the supplier manager changes the item status from 'On Hold' to 'In-Use' and clicks 'Save', or alternatively accepts all the chosen item(s), those specific item(s) will be accepted by the manager. Subsequently, the item(s) will be listed within the main application under the section 'Data Files' -> 'Items', as illustrated in Screen-8.

    Supplier Management Screen-8

    7. Similarly, if the supplier manager wishes to 'Reject/Delete' the item, they can select the checkbox for that item, enter the reject reason, and click on the 'Reject/Delete' button as shown in Screen-9. Moreover, the supplier manager can also 'Reject/Delete' multiple items simultaneously by selecting the "Select All" checkbox. If the supplier manager rejects the item(s), an email will be sent to the supplier to inform them as shown in Screen-9.1.

    Supplier Management Screen-9

    Supplier Management Screen-9.1

    8. The Supplier Manager can also log into the main application and either accept or reject the item submitted by the supplier. This can be done by accessing the Data files section, navigating to the Items page, clicking on the menu icon of the item listing page, and selecting the 'Item - Supplier Approval' link displayed on the Screen-10.

    Supplier Management Screen-10

    9. On clicking the 'Item Details' tab, the Supplier Manager can access the list of all newly created items which are awaiting their approval. They can accept single or multiple items by clicking on the "Accept" button as shown in Screen-11. Alternatively, they can change the item status from "On Hold" to "In-Use" and click on 'Save' as shown in Screen-11.1. Once the item(s) are accepted, they will be listed in the 'Items' section.

    Supplier Management Screen-11

    Supplier Management Screen-11.1

    10. To update the price of an item, the supplier needs to log in to the Supplier Portal, navigate to the 'Items' tab, select the specific item for which they wish to modify the price, and click on the 'New Price' option, as demonstrated in Screen-12.

    Supplier Management Screen-12

    11. Once the supplier clicks on the 'New Price' button, a pop-up window will appear, allowing the supplier to enter the new price. After entering the new price, the supplier can proceed to click on the 'Submit for Approval' button, as shown below. Subsequently, an email will be sent to the Supplier Manager, notifying them about the pending approval.

    Supplier Management Screen-13

    12. While the Supplier Manager has not yet accepted or rejected the requested new price, the item's screen will show the new price as 'Unapproved Price' as shown in Screen-14.

    Supplier Management Screen-14

    13. In the event that the supplier wishes to update the price once more, they can select the 'Update Price' button. By doing so, the supplier can enter the new price and submit it for approval once again. Furthermore, by clicking on the 'Update Price' button, the supplier can also view the date and time of the last price update, as demonstrated below in Screen-15.

    Supplier Management Screen-15

    14. Here is a sample approval email that is sent to the Supplier Manager. The email includes item information such as Item Code, Description, Old Price, and New Price for the item that has been submitted for approval. To view the list of all items that require approval, the supplier manager should click on the 'Click Here' button.

    Supplier Management Screen-16

    15. Once the supplier manager clicks on the "Click Here" button, they will be directed to the following page as shown in Screen-17. On this page, the supplier manager can access a list of all pending items awaiting their approval. Additionally, the supplier manager has the ability to search for items requiring price approval based on the supplier. By selecting a specific supplier from the dropdown menu seen at the top of the page, the system will display all items associated with that particular supplier.

    To accept the price for a specific item, the supplier manager can select the checkbox corresponding to that item, enter any necessary comments, and click on the "Accept" button. Similarly, if the supplier manager wishes to reject the price for an item, they can select the checkbox for that item, enter any relevant comments, and click on the "Reject" button. Moreover, the supplier manager can accept or reject multiple items simultaneously by selecting the "Select All" checkbox.

    Supplier Management Screen-17

    16. After the supplier manager accepts the item price, a notification email will be sent to the supplier, as illustrated below in Screen-18. If the supplier manager rejects the item price, an email will still be sent to the supplier to inform them.

    Supplier Management Screen-18

    17. The updated price will be visible on the item page of the supplier portal, as demonstrated below in Screen-19.

    Supplier Management Screen-19

    18. The Supplier Manager can log into the application and either accept or reject the item prices submitted by the supplier. This can be done by accessing the Data files section, navigating to the Items page, clicking on the menu icon of the item listing page, and selecting the 'Item - Supplier Approval' link displayed on the Screen-20.

    Supplier Management Screen-20

    19. On clicking the 'Price Approval' tab, the Supplier Manager can access the list of all the items which are awaiting for their price approval. They can accept single or multiple items by clicking on the "Accept" button as shown in Screen-21. Once the item(s) are accepted, they will be listed in the 'Items' section.

    Supplier Management Screen-21

    VRM Settings

    Here, the SA can select a Vendor Risk Manager as shown in Supplier Management Screen-22, who will be able to approve documents uploaded by the suppliers via the Supplier Portal. If the manager assesses a document below the threshold value, then that document will be rejected and sent back to the supplier to resubmit.

    Supplier Management Screen-22

    VRM Document Type

    The SA can create various VRM documents. The types of documents include Strategic Risk Type, Industry Risk Type and Complain Risk Type. This will help you to categorize the document types.

    To add a new document, please click on the Add New button as shown in Supplier Management Screen-23 below

    Supplier Management Screen-23

    Add the document name, the description, switch ON the Active button and click on Save.

    Supplier Management Screen-24

    To search for existing documents, please select the relevant option from the dropdown as shown in Supplier Management Screen-25 below click on Search.

    Supplier Management Screen-25


    This function has been discussed in detail in a separate document,Click here To find this document

    However, please find the Sysadmin options below as shown in Inventory Management Screen-1

    Inventory Management Screen-1

    Inventory Control

    The System Administrator (Sysadmin) can go to Inventory Management > Inventory Control and select a mandatory expenditure code to start with. Also, to generate an automatic order when stock levels drop below the re-order level, they can select the second option of Auto Create Order as shown below in Inventory Management Screen-2.

    Inventory Management Screen-2

    The Expenditure Code is selected to connect the Item to a particular account so that you can account for the usage of the stock. Sysadmin can also decide whether to make this mandatory by checking the Mandatory Box. Once made mandatory, it will show against the Item when it’s being manually issued.

    Please also select Inventory deduction method- LIFO -Last In First Out And FIFO - First In First Out on the screen
    Note : You cannot change Inventory Method as you have already stock entries.

    Inventory Items Export

    This section is to export all stock items into an excel file. You can enter the Physical Quantity and Notes for each item in the file. These can be imported back into the system under Inventory Management> Inventory Items - Import and will be listed as a stock entry.

    Please select the item type to be exported and click on Save.

    Inventory Management Screen-3[A]

    Once you click on Save, you will find the exported excel file as shown below in Inventory Management Screen-3[B]

    Inventory Management Screen-3[B]

    Inventory Items Import

    On this screen you can import an excel file, mention any notes and add an Adjustment Date which will be the stock enty date for all the items.

    Inventory Management Screen-4

    Location Master

    The next step for the Sysadmin is to create a new location. This can be done under Inventory Management > Location Master. You can click on Add New to reach Inventory Management Screen-5[A], so that you can add details. (We are proceeding assuming the Auto Create Order option is not selected)

    Inventory Management Screen-5[A]

    Inventory Management Screen-5[B]

    Click on Save to reach the next section as shown in Inventory Management Screen-5[C]. The message Saved successfully will appear at the bottom of the screen.

    Inventory Management Screen-5[C]

    You can have multiple Inventory Managers for each location. To do so, click on the folder icon as highlighted in Inventory Management Screen-5[C] and select Inventory Managers.

    You can also have multiple locations and the option to set a default Re-Order Quantity, Re-Order Level, etc. values. The inventory Item under a particular location will automatically have its default values. Users will have the option to change these quantities for each Item under the same location.


    Screen: XXXXXVII

    External Chat Notifications

    In External Chat Notifications, the user can view two switches:
    1. Slack Integration
    If the user has a slack account and if they enabled the slack integration switch, the user can integrate their slack account with EBA.
    Click here to know more about the slack integration steps.

    Screen: XXXXXVIII

    2. Teams Integration
    If the user has a teams account and if they enabled the teams integration switch, the user can integrate their teams account with EBA.
    Click here to know more about the teams integration steps.

    Screen: XXXXXVIII


    The SA can switch Goods Received Notification ON as shown in Screen: XXXXXVIII so that an email will be sent when an item is either booked-in or when an item is booked-in and accepted. Please also select on this screen weather the email should be sent to the Originator, Buyer or Delivery Contact.

    Screen: XXXXXVIII


    The system administrator should select the 'Reminder Email Schedule (Days)' and 'Notify User' to notify the selected user about the supplier document expiry as per the selected reminder days.

    Screen: XXXXXVIII


    This category has the following functions as shown in Screen: 1.

    Screen: 1

    Archive Order File

    This function allows the System Administrator to archive selected historical order data. Once an order is archived, we retain the order header, line items, attachments, and event log. The associated request created with the order is also archived.

    The system will display the first order creation date as the Start Date and the latest order creation date as the End Date. The System Administrator must choose the Start and End Dates based on the Order Dates they wish to archive. Click 'Next' to proceed. To reset the Start and End Date to their original dates, click 'Reset,' or manually adjust the dates by clicking the calendar icon seen next to the Start and End Dates as shown in Screen: 2.

    Note: If the RFQ module is enabled, the associated RFQ will also be archived along with the order when the order is archived. Once the order data is archived, this action cannot be reversed. Therefore, we strongly recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

    Screen: 2

    The next page will show orders categorized by their order status. By default, the system will check all checkboxes for the orders within the selected date range. Uncheck the checkboxes for orders you do not wish to archive and keep the checkboxes checked for the orders you want to archive. To exclude all orders of a specific order status from being archived, uncheck the 'Select All' checkbox for that order status.

    For example, if you do not want to archive orders with the status 'Closed', uncheck the checkbox for 'Closed,' which will automatically deselect all orders with Closed status, saving you from having to manually uncheck each one.

    After selecting the orders, enter the reason for archiving and click on 'Archive' as shown in Screen: 3.

    Screen: 3

    A pop-up will appear to confirm the archiving action. Click 'OK' to proceed as shown in Screen: 4.

    Screen: 4

    After the orders are archived, the system administrator can view archived order details such as the order number, order status, and reason for archiving by clicking on the 'Archived History' link as shown in Screen: 5.

    Screen: 5

    Additionally, the user can also view archived order details by clicking on the 'Archive History' report as shown in Screen: 6 & Screen: 6.1.

    Screen: 6

    Screen: 6.1

    The system administrator can grant users permission to view archived order data by navigating to User Register->select the user->Permissions, and then provide access to 'Archive Orders' as shown in Screen: 6.2.

    Screen: 6.2

    In the main application, users with permission to archive orders can view the archived orders by clicking on Order Menu > Orders - Archived, as shown in Screen: 7.

    Screen: 7

    The Orders - Archived listing page will display all the orders that have been archived in the system as shown in Screen: 8.

    Screen: 8

    The user can click the 'View Orders' icon to view the archived order's header details, line items, attachments, event log and purchase order pdf for issued orders as shown in Screen: 9 & Screen: 9.1.

    Screen: 9

    Screen: 9.1

    Additionally, if the user wants to export the archived orders' Order Header, Order Line, and Order Event Log, they can choose from any of the three export options shown in the Screen: 10.

    Screen: 10

    The user can also view the associated request archived with the order by selecting Request Menu > Request - Archived, as shown in Screen: 11.

    Screen: 11


    This function enables the SA to delete Requests with a DORMANT status. To do so, the SA needs to enter the Start and End Date and click on Next as shown in Screen: XXXXXX [A] to see the requests that fall under the selected date range as shown in Screen: XXXXXX [B]

    Screen: XXXXXX [A]

    Screen: XXXXXX [B]

    Clicking on Next again will ask for a reason to delete. The SA can click on Delete to have the selected requests removed from the system as shown in Screen: XXXXXX [C]

    Screen: XXXXXX [C]

    To reset details, click on the Reset button. This needs to be done before you click on the final Delete button.
    The deleted requests can be seen under the Delete Request History log on the screen. This can be seen as a report as well by clicking on the PDF icon next to it. This report can be exported if required.

    Note: The procedure is not reversible so before continuing we strongly advise you to back up your data.


    1. This section allows the system administrator to view, add, or make changes to expenditure codes and cost codes.

    Exp-code Screen:1

    2. By clicking on the blue link, SA can view the records of both expenditure codes and cost codes, as displayed in Screen:2. It is important to note that the record count displayed includes both active and inactive records.

    Exp-code Screen:2

    3. The system administrator can view the expenditure codes and their corresponding descriptions as shown in Screen:3. However, only active records will be displayed on this page.

    Exp-code Screen:3

    4. To add or update expenditure codes and cost codes in the system, the SA should click on the 'Upload' button as shown in Screen:4.

    Exp-code Screen:4

    5. The SA can click on the 'Click Here' link to download a blank MS Excel template as shown in Screen:5. The SA should enter the new code(s) in the excel sheet.

    Exp-code Screen:5

    6. Next, the SA should select the file, and click on 'Save' to import the new expenditure codes into the system.

    Exp-code Screen:6

    7. The SA also has the option to download the existing data in the system by selecting the 'Click Here' link of pre-loaded data as shown in Screen:7 . The downloaded file will contain a list of all the records for expenditure codes and cost codes stored in the system.

    Exp-code Screen:7

    8. A sample file of pre-loaded data is illustrated on Screen:8.

    Exp-code Screen:8

    9. Additionally, the SA can also modify the data within the pre-loaded file and import it back into the system by selecting the 'Update Existing Records' checkbox and hit Save as shown in Screen:9.

    Note: It is important to remember that when updating existing data, the user must select the 'Update Existing Records' checkbox. If the checkbox is left unchecked, the system will not update the existing data.

    Exp-code Screen:9

    10. After logging into the main application, the user will be able to locate the newly added and updated records of expenditure codes and cost codes in the system.

    Exp-code Screen:10


    Screen: XXXXXXII

    Assign Account Manager

    This function will be available to the SA only when you have opted for the Expense Module. The SA will select an Account Manager/Expense Account Approver as shown in Screen: XXXXXXIII, who will receive all the expense approval emails.

    Screen: XXXXXXIII

    On clicking the Save button, the message Update Successful will be displayed.


    This function has been discussed in detail in a separate document. Click here to find this document. This category has the following functions:

    Screen: XXXXXXIV

    Recipe Category

    Allergy, Intolerance and Dietary Tabs has been added to the Item Screen for food items. The Sa can select category codes here which will have these tabs displayed at the time of creating an item as shown below in Screen: XXXXXXV. Please note that if a Parent Category Code is selected, then the Child Category Codes will also display the tabs.

    Screen: XXXXXXV

    Note: The categories selected will be the only ones that will be available in the shopping cart while picking items for recipes.

    Recipe Calculation

    The System Administrator can also decide which variable would be used for recipe calculations as shown below in Screen: XXXXXXVI

    Screen: XXXXXXVI

    The other variable would remain constant when changing Recipe calculations due to quantity, Item, or other changes. However, users can still change both Portion Selling Price and Cost Percentage manually.

    Unit Of Measurement Listing

    On Screen: XXXXXXVII, you can see the existing units of measurement in the system. You can also create a custom Unit of Measurement by clicking on the Add New button. These would be then visible on line items to choose from.

    Screen: XXXXXXVII


    This category has the following functions as shown in Screen: XXXXXXVIII.

    Screen: XXXXXXVIII


    Sites is a feature that allows you to deploy the system on a per company site basis where your Users can be linked to one or more sites. Users will not be able to see Data Files, Account Codes, Requests, Orders, RFQ's or Recipes on a site that they are not linked to.

    You can set Sites ON or OFF using the 'Activate Site Function' switch as shown in Screen XXXXXXIX [A].

    Screen: XXXXXXIX [A]

    If you switch OFF 'Activate Site Function' you will be logged out automatically.

    On switching ON the ‘Activate Site Function’ you will see the following Screen: XXXXXXIX [B]. Click on the radio button Yes if you want Orders/Requests/RFQ number to be sequential for each site. This means for example that Orders for each site will start with the number 000001. The Site name is a soft label so you can rename it as per your company's preferences.

    Screen: XXXXXXIX [B]

    Note: Activating or Deactivating the Site Function or changing the Site Name will force you to login again to the system. All users in the system will need to login again to see the effected changes.

    Site For Modules

    Site Modules option will be seen when the System Administrator has activated the Site Function as shown in the Screen: XXXXXXIX [B]. Here, the System Administrator can select the options that will enable the system to set the sites apart as shown in Screen: XXXXXXX. This means that if currency is selected for example, then each site will have its own currency codes.

    Note: Category items, Supplier, Supplier Contract, Recipe, ExpCode4, ExpCode5 and ExpCode6 are all interlinked. You can either make them all Site-based or none of them. The separate modules however, can be used per site if selected. Click on Save for the system to make the changes.

    Screen: XXXXXXX

    Site Master

    Site Master option will be seen when the System Administrator has activated the Site Function as shown in the Screen: XXXXXXIX [B].

    In the below Screen: XXXXXXXI, the System Administrator can add as many Sites as required by clicking on the Add New button. For every site you can add a Company Name, Address, Company Logo, Defaults, Purchasing Manager, Invoice Approvers, etc.

    Further, the System Administrator can also search Sites by Site Code, Site Description and Active Sites.

    Screen: XXXXXXXI [A]

    On clicking on any of the Site Code, you will be taken to the following Screen: XXXXXXXII. Here, you can enter Prefix of up to 3 characters on the Order/Request/RFQ number to make the number appear unique for each site. For example, Order number will be created with a prefix DEF000001 for the selected Default Site.

    Note: If you select the radio button for sequential number as shown in Screen: XXXXXXIX [B], only then you will be able to enter Prefix if required.

    Screen: XXXXXXXI [B]

    The System Administrator can, as shown in Screen: XXXXXXXI [C], can also view reports i.e. User-Site Listing Report or Site-User Listing Report.

    Screen: XXXXXXXI [C]

    The following is an example of the two reports. The User-Site Listing Report can be seen in Screen: XXXXXXXI [D] and the SiteUser Listing Report can be seen in Screen: XXXXXXXI [E].

    These reports can also be exported to PDF, Excel, Word, HTML or RTF. They can also be emailed.

    Screen: XXXXXXXI [D]

    Screen: XXXXXXXI [E]

    Audit Logs

    Sysadmin Log

    This report will show you all the changes done in the system by the System Administrators. This is similar to an event log and can be further filtered using the Start Date, End Date, Sysadmin User and you can also choose for the report to show you the User Location (includes the IP Address, City and Country of the user).

    Screen: XXXXXXXII [A]

    Screen: XXXXXXXII [B]

    User Log

    This report will show you all the changes done in the system by the users. This is similar to an event log and can be further filtered using the Start Date, End Date, User Status, Group (includes account codes, data files,request, orders, etc), Criteria that can be typed in and you can also choose for the report to show you the User Location (includes the IP Address, City and Country of the user).

    Screen: XXXXXXXIII [A]

    Screen: XXXXXXXIII [B]

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