Eyvo’s eBuyerAssist has an Invoice Module that can be used to log invoices and payments into the system. This helps complete the Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) cycle of a robust eProcurement system and is especially useful to Purchase Managers and Accounts Managers if they are involved in this process.

Below are the statuses of Invoices:

- When there is no Invoice logged against an Order, the status shows us Not Invoiced

– If the Invoice Approver rejects the invoice, then the Approval Status next to that line item becomes Rejected and the Invoice Status becomes Invoice Pending.

– If an invoice on line item 1 is approved, its Approval Status shows as Approved. If the invoice for the next line item is sent for approval, the Approval Status next to that line item shows as InProcess and the Invoice Status becomes Invoice Pending.

– If all the invoices are approved and partial payments have been made, then the Invoice Status becomes Fully Invoiced and the Payment Status shows as Partially Paid..

Invoice Module (System Administrator perspective):

  1. The System Administrator needs to activate Invoice Approvals. This can be done under Invoice and Payments> Assign Invoice Approver as shown in Screen: 1

    Screen: 1

  2. Once the 'Invoice Approver' switch is on, the System Administrator would also need to assign some user(s) as Invoice Approvers. This can be done by switching Invoice Approver under Approver section for selected users as shown in Screen: 2:

    Screen: 2

  3. Once the System Administrator has assigned user(s) as Invoice Approver, this user(s) will be seen in the Default Invoice Approver dropdown as shown on Screen: 3

    Screen: 3

  4. The System Administrator needs to give access to the user(s) for this module. This can be done by the System Administrator under User Maintenance> User Register for each user as shown in Screen: 4

    Screen: 4

  5. Lastly, the System Administrator can select the type of Invoice System to be defined in the system under Invoice and Payments> Invoice Number Uniqueness as shown in Screen 5:

    Screen: 5

    Note: This option can be changed later. However, in most companies, this is defined at the beginning.

Invoice Module (User perspective):

If you have been given the read and write permission to the Invoice Module, you will be, as a user able to see this on the left panel of your system upon logging in. The way invoices will work for you is as shqon below in Screen: 6.

  1. You can start by creating your Orders the way you usually do in the system. Once an order is issued, you will see the option for Invoices as highlighted in Screen: 1 with its 3 sub-sections:

    Screen: 6

  2. If your supplier has sent you a copy of the invoice by email, then you can add the invoice document into the system by clicking on Attached Invoices> Attach Documents as highlighted in Screen 6.1 to see Screen 6.2:

    Screen: 6.1

    Screen: 6.2

    Note: You can browse for the file and attach it or click on File URL Upload as well.

    Screen: 6.3

    Click on Save once done.

    You can also attach a document to be read using the OCR technology, The OCR technology also known as Text Recognition enables the system to scan and read documents for further processing. To attach, click on Log Invoice with OCR as shown on the below Screen to see Screen 6.4

    Screen: 6.4

    Drag and drop the Invoice file and allow the system to read it. This may take up to a few minutes.

    Screen: 6.5

    Once the system has read the invoice document, it will show you the Invoice Amount, Invoice Date and Invoice Number as shown on Screen. These details are mandatory and have been picked up by the system from the invoice.

    Screen: 6.6

    If the details that the system has read are correct, the click on Create Invoice to see Screen 6.7.

    Screen: 6.7

    However, if the system has not read the details correctly or details are missing then you can manually enter these details and then click on Confirm Invoice. These fields are mandatory so they must have a value.

    The rest of the process to submit the invoice for an approval is shown above in point

  3. The option Invoice Recording/Review allows you to log an invoice against individual items or log an invoice against all the items collectively. It also shows you the invoice and payment breakup.

    1. To log an invoice for individual items, click on Submit Invoice for Item icon as highlighted on 7.1

      Screen: 7.1

      Screen: 7.2

      You can add the invoice number or select the existing invoice from the dropdown, confirm the date, add the invoice amount and notes if any and click on Submit for Approval as highlighted on Screen 7.2. You will notice that the Invoice Status and Payment Status on the order show as Not Invoiced and Not Paid respectively till invoices are logged.

      Note: The invoice amount can be the entire Gross Price or a partial amount as well. The option to select an existing invoice will show only if invoices are attached. If not, you can add the invoice number only.

    2. You will also see the Invoice the Payment Breakup icon next to each line item as highlighted in Screen 8.1 to see details as shown in Screen 8.2

      Screen: 8.1

      Screen: 8.2

    3. You can also log one invoice for all the items by clicking on the Log Invoice button as shown in Screen 9.1 to see Screen 9.2:

      Screen: 9.1

      Screen: 9.2

      You can add the invoice number, invoice date, select the invoice as attached earlier, tick the checkboxes for the amounts to be invoiced, add notes and click on Submit for Approval as highlighted in Screen 9.2:

    4. For this document, we will proceed with the above option of logging one invoice against all the items for the entire amount. Once you submit this for approval, an email will be sent to the Invoice Approver for approval. The invoice approver can accept or reject this invoice as shown in Screen 10.1:

      Screen: 10.1

      The invoice approver can approve by clicking on the Approve button or check the details of the invoice via the Click Here button from the above screen.

      If the Invoice approver approves, the originator will receive an email confirming this as shown in Screen 10.2

      Screen: 10.2

      You will see now that Invoice Status on the order has changed to Fully Invoiced, but the Payment Status remains Not Paid and only the icon for View Payment and Invoice Breakup is visible. The Submit for Invoice Icon is no longer visible as you have logged all the invoices for the items with the full amounts.

      Clicking now on the View Payment and Invoice Breakup icon will show you Screen 10.3:

      Screen: 10.3

    5. The next step would be to log the payments. To do so, click on Log Payment as shown in Screen 11.1 to see Screen 11.2:

      Screen: 11.1

      Enter the Payment Date, with details such as Cheque Number and Cheque Clear Date if available with you, tick the checkboxes next to the line items with their payment amounts and click on Save.

      Screen: 11.2

      You will see in Screen 11.3 that the Approval Status shows as Approved and the Payment Status shows as Fully Paid:

      Screen: 11.3

      Another option under Invoices - invoice Recording/Review is Shipping Charges as shown in Screen 11.4

      Screen: 11.4

      Clicking on it will show you Screen: 11.5 where you can add the shipping charges that will be split equally across all the line items. Once you add the amount, click on Adjust to see the individual charges applied to the items and then click on Save.

      Screen: 11.5

  4. The option that says History & Matching will show the details of each item when clicking on selected line item to see the next screen as shown in Screen 12.2 and Screen 12.3.

    Screen: 12.1

    Screen: 12.2

    Screen: 12.3

    Invoice - Payment Details report shows the Item Gross Value, Invoice Amount and Payment Amount as shown in Screen 12.5:

    Screen: 12.4

    Screen: 12.5

    3-Way Match Report shows Item Gross Value, Received Amount, Invoice Amount, Uninvoiced Balance, Payment Amount and Unpaid Balance as
    shown in Screen 12.7:

    Screen: 12.6

    Screen: 12.7

    This report can be exported to a PDF, Excel, Word, HTML or RTF and can be printed or emailed.

Other Scenarios:

  1. If the Invoice Approver rejects the invoice, then the Approval Status next to that line item becomes Rejected and the Invoice Status becomes Invoice Pending.
  2. If an invoice on line item 1 is approved, its Approval Status shows as Approved. If the invoice for the next line item is sent for approval, the Approval Status next to that line item shows as InProcess and the Invoice Status becomes Invoice Pending.
  3. If all the invoices are approved and partial payments have been made, then the Invoice Status becomes Fully Invoiced and the Payment Status shows as Partially Paid.

Quick Links I Reports

The Invoice Matching Module has its own quick links and reports as shown below:

Screen: 13

  1. Orders All – this will show you all the orders created in the system.
  2. Orders – Personal - this will show you all the orders that you have created in the system.
  3. Reports

    1. Invoice Matching Listing – This report will give you details such as Order Number, Order Status, Order Date, Supplier Name and when the order was last updated as shown below:

      Screen: 14

    2. Invoice Outstanding Liability Report – this report shows the pending payment balances on the orders as shown below:

    All reports can be exported to a PDF, Excel, Word, HTML or RTF and can be printed or emailed.

    Note: We also integrate with third party accounting packages to make payments. The way that works is our system logs in the invoices which through an automated sync process carries the invoice data into the accounting package. Once the payment is made through the accounting package, the sync process once again brings the payment details back into our system thus completing the process and updating the purchase system (eBuyerAssist) as well as the third part accounting package (such as QuickBooks, etc).


Eyvo’s eBuyerAssist has an Invoice Module that can be used to log invoices and payments into the system. This helps complete the Purchase-to-Pay (P2P) cycle of a robust eProcurement system and is especially useful to Purchase Managers and Accounts Managers if they are involved in this process.

Invoice Module (System Administrator perspective):

  1. To start with, users need to be given access to this module. This can be done by the System Administrator under User Maintenance> User Register for each user as shown in Screen: 1:

    Screen: 1

  2. The System Administrator needs to ensure that the Invoice Approver option under Invoice and Payments> Assign Invoice Approver is not checked as shown in Screen: 2:

    Screen: 2

  3. The System Administrator can select the type of Invoice System to be defined in the system under Invoice and Payments> Invoice Number Uniqueness as shown in Screen 3:

    Screen: 3

    Note: This option can be changed later. However, in most companies, this is defined at the beginning.

Invoice Module (User perspective):

If you have been given the read and write permission to the Invoice Module, you will be, as a user able to see this on the left panel of your system upon logging in. The way invoices will work for you is as shqon below in Screen: 4.

  1. You can start by creating your Orders the way you usually do in the system. Once an order is issued, you will see the option for Invoices as highlighted in Screen: I with its 3 sub-sections:

    Screen: 4

  2. If your supplier has sent you a copy of the invoice by email, then you can add the invoice document into the system by clicking on Attached Invoices> Attach Documents as highlighted in Screen 5.1 to see Screen 5.2:

    Screen: 5.1

    Screen: 5.2

    Note: You can browse for the file and attach it or click on File URL Upload as well.

    Screen: 5.3

    Click on Save once done.

    You can also attach a document to be read using the OCR technology, The OCR technology also known as Text Recognition enables the system to scan and read documents for further processing. To attach, click on Attach with OCR as shown on the below Screen to see Screen 5.4

    Screen: 5.4

    Drag and drop the Invoice file and allow the system to read it. This may take up to a few minutes.

    Screen: 5.5

    Once the system has read the invoice document, it will show you the Invoice Amount, Invoice Date and Invoice Number as shown on Screen. These details are mandatory and have been picked up by the system from the invoice.

    Screen: 5.6

    If the details that the system has read are correct, the click on Create Invoice to see Screen 5.7.

    Screen: 5.7

    However, if the system has not read the details correctly or details are missing then you can manually enter these details and then click on Save Buttton. These fields are mandatory so they must have a value.

  3. The option Invoice Recording/Review allows you to log an invoice against individual items or log an invoice against all the items collectively. It also shows you the invoice and payment breakup.

    1. To log an invoice/payment for individual items, click on the Log Payment for Item icon as highlighted on Screen 6.1.
      Screen: 6.1

      You can add the invoice and payment details and select the invoice attached earlier as highlighted in Screen 6.2. You will notice that the Invoice Status and Payment Status on the order show as Not Invoiced and Not Paid respectively till invoices/payments are logged.

      Screen: 6.2

      Note: The invoice and payment amount can be the entire Gross Price or a partial amount as well. The option to select an existing invoice will show only if invoices are attached. If not, this option will be disabled.

    2. You can also choose to only log only invoices and not payments. To do so, uncheck the box next to Make Payments as highlighted in Screen 6.2 to see only invoice details as shown in Screen 6.3:

      Screen: 6.3

    3. You can also log one invoice and payment for all the items by clicking on the Log Invoice button under Invoices> Invoice Recording/Review as shown in Screen 7.1 to see Screen 7.2:

      Screen: 7.1

      When you add the invoice and payment details, you can also attach an invoice attachment by clicking on the 'Attach New Invoice' icon as highlighted in Screen 7.2:

      Screen: 7.2

      For this document, we will proceed with the above option of logging an invoice and making a payment against all the items for the entire amount.

      Note: Once this is done, the status of the Invoice and Payment on the Order will change to Fully Invoiced and Fully Paid respectively.

  4. The third option under Invoices is History. You can see the details of each item by clicking on the green button next to each item as highlighted in Screen 8.1:

    Screen: 8.1

    Note: You can also delete the invoices/payments made for a line item by clicking on the delete icon next to it. You can log details in once again.

    Screen: 8.2

    Screen: 8.3

    Here you can see the details entered earlier.

  5. You will also see a 3-Way Match Report under History as shown in Screen 9.1 to see details in Screen 9.2:

    Screen: 9.1

    Screen: 9.2

    This report shows the Item Gross Value, Invoice Amount and Payment Amount and can be exported to a PDF, Excel, Word, HTML or RTF and can be printed or emailed.

External Invoice

A dynamic invoice email system with OCR automates the extraction of invoice data from email attachments. It involves parsing incoming emails, extracting invoice files, applying OCR to convert them into text, extracting relevant information, generating an invoice, and logging it into the system. The system streamlines the invoice processing workflow and improves efficiency.

1. The initial step in this process would be to switch on the “Invoice Email” switch in System Administration. The system administrator should login to the system and navigate to the Invoice And Payment-> Dynamic Invoice Email – OCR-> Invoice Email as shown in Screen: 1.

Screen: 1

2. The user will then need to click on the “Generic Email” radio button, this will allow the system to generate an email ID specific to the user’s company, which could be used by the suppliers to share invoices. It will then allow the user to select an External Invoice Validator by clicking on the dropdown button as highlighted in the middle of the screen, who will then receive the invoices submitted through the generic email and correct the unmatched invoices.

The “Allow this user to create invoices” switch allows the External Invoice Validator to log matching invoices into the system as shown in Screen: 2. In the above scenario, Brie Jameson is the External Invoice Validator and they will receive all the invoice mails from the supplier.

Screen: 2

3. The above page continues with the switches mentioned below. The user will next need to turn “ON” the “Using OCR” switch to allow the system to read emailed invoices and extract its values using OCR technology. This will then open up the “Auto Log Invoice” switch and turning it “ON” allows the system to automatically log invoices with correct order number and unique invoice number. Once all the switches have been turned on the user will need to click on the “Save” button as shown in Screen: 3.

Screen: 3

4. The Buyer will need to login to the Main Application. After the purchase order (PO) has been issued to the supplier, the order status will be updated to "Issued" and the Invoice Status will be “Not Invoiced”. The highlighted “Invoice To” section, holds the Generic Email ID through which the suppliers will communicate the invoices as shown in Screen: 4.

Screen: 4

5. At that point, the supplier will be able to send the invoice via email to the Generic Email ID. Once the supplier sends an invoice PDF with the correct order number and a unique invoice number, the system will record the invoice under the designated order number and send an email notification to the External Invoice Validator along with the attachment as shown in Screen: 5.

Screen: 5

Note: If the user prefers to receive invoices from the supplier only after the goods have been received, they can activate the "GR Invoice Mandatory" switch. Enabling this switch allows the user to log the invoice in the system only after the items have been received. For turning this switch on, the system administrator should login to the system and navigate to the Environment Settings-> System Switches-> GR Invoice Mandatory switch. For demonstration purposes, we have currently disabled the "GR Invoice Mandatory" switch.

Similarly, if the user wishes to enable the "Invoice Approver" switch, which permits the invoice approver to approve or reject invoices, the system administrator should log in and navigate to the Invoice and Payments-> Assign Invoice Approver option. For demonstration purposes, we have currently disabled the "Assign Invoice Approver" switch.

6. The External Invoice Validator will log in to the Main Application. They should then navigate to the Invoice Matching Module-> Dropdown-> External Invoice to review the external invoices sent by the suppliers, as shown in Screen: 6.

Screen: 6

7. On the External Invoice Detail Listing page, the External Invoice Validator could see details such as File Status, Order Number, Invoice Number etc. The system displays three status “Invoiced”, “Assigned” & “Failed”. Here the file status appears to be “Invoiced” as the scanned invoice matches the order details and the invoice has been logged into the system against the given order number as shown in Screen: 7.

Detailed explanations for Failed scenarios are provided starting from points 11-19 and Assigned scenarios are provided starting from points 20-23 respectively.

Screen: 7

8. When the External Invoice Validator clicks on the selected row, the system will display the scanned “Invoice PDF” with the matched “Order PDF” as shown in Screen: 8.

Screen: 8

9. On clicking the order page, the user could see the Order Status changed to “Closed” as the goods are received automatically as shown in Screen: 9.

Note: Incase, the “Invoice Approver” switch is enabled in the system, the invoice would be directed for their approval and the Invoice status will changed to “Invoice Pending”.

Screen: 9

10. The attached invoice will be visible under the “Attach Invoices” option under “Invoices”. The attached pdf is highlighted on the left side & the pdf could also be “Deleted/Downloaded” using respective icons highlighted on the right side of the screen as shown in Screen: 10.

Screen: 10

The Invoice Status will changed to “Fully Invoiced” and invoice details will be visible under "Invoice - History" thus completing the process as shown in Screen: 10.1.

Screen: 10.1

Note: For demonstration purposes, the invoice amount was exact as the order amount thus the Invoice Status was “Fully Invoiced”. The other two status that could be visible under Invoice Status are shown below:

  • Partially Invoiced - When the Invoice amount is lower than the order gross price.
  • Over Invoiced - When the Invoice amount exceeds the order gross price.
  • 11. The second status is “Failed” status where “Order Number does not exist” reason will be demonstrated as highlighted in Screen: 11.

    Screen: 11

    Below are some other reasons of “Failed” invoice status:

  • When there is no attachment in the Email.
  • When there are more than 3 attachments in the Email.
  • When a Supplier does not exist in the system.
  • Invalid file format (No other format than PDF must be used.
  • When all the invoices have been logged, and there are no items left to log invoices.
  • The System will reject the Invoice if status of the Order is not valid. For ex. system cannot accept the Invoice as the order status is UNISSUED, AMENDED
  • The External Invoice Validator will receive an email notification, informing them about an issue with the invoice attachment. The email will include the specific failed reason, as shown in Screen: 11.1.

    Screen: 11.1

    12. When the External Invoice Validator receives the invoice email from the supplier, they will go to the “External Invoice” page and click on the invoice with “Failed” status. The External Invoice Validator can view the invoice details captured by the system using OCR technology in the middle of the screen. Additionally, the system provides the capability to make corrections to the captured data, except for the Invoice Amount, which remains unchanged. On the right side of the screen the External Invoice Validator could see a message indicating “No Order Found” as the order number doesn’t exist in the system and gives the opportunity of creating an order for the same invoice. The External Invoice Validator would need to click on the “Create Order” button as highlighted in Screen: 12.

    Screen: 12

    13. When the External Invoice Validator clicks on "Create Order," a pop-up will appear, prompting them to enter the Supplier name. They will also have the option to select the "Auto Goods Received" checkbox if they wish to automatically receive the goods. The green-colored text indicates the number of line items extracted from the invoice PDF. To proceed, the External Invoice Validator must click the "Create Order" button as shown in Screen: 13. In this demonstration, we are showing the process by selecting the "Auto Goods Received" checkbox.

    Screen: 13

    Note: If the user wishes to create order according to the sites, the Site Function needs to be activated. The system administrator can login to the application and navigate to Sites -> Activate Site Function switch. For demonstration purposes, we have disabled the Site Function. Site can be switched On/Off as per company's requirement.

    14. The External Invoice Validator will then be taken to the new order created in the system. They could see that the order status as “Unissued” and need to fill in all the mandatory details. At the left bottom of the screen, a note will appear stating that this order has been generated through a scanned invoice and the goods will be received automatically. The External Invoice Validator would need to click on the “Confirm Order” button for completing the process as shown in Screen: 14.

    Screen: 14

    15. The External Invoice Validator could see that the Order Status has changed to “Closed” as the goods are received automatically as shown in Screen: 15.

    Screen: 15

    The Invoice Status will changed to “Fully Invoiced” as the invoice(s) are automatically logged and the invoice details will be visible under "Invoice - History" as shown in Screen: 15.1.

    Screen: 15.1

    16. The External Invoice Validator could now see that status changed from “Failed” to “Invoiced” in External Invoice Detail listing page as shown in Screen: 16.

    Screen: 16

    17. The following steps are demonstrated when creating a new order where the "Auto Goods Received" checkbox has not been checked. The External Invoice Validator would need to enter the mandatory details and click on the “Create Order” button without selecting the “Auto Goods Received” checkbox as shown in Screen: 17.

    Screen: 17

    18. The External Invoice Validator will observe a newly created order with the Order Status as "Unissued." A message will appear at the bottom left of the screen, indicating that "The order is being generated from the scanned invoice and that upon clicking the "Confirm Order" button, the Order Status will change to "Issued." The order will be created only after they click on the “Confirm Order” button, as illustrated in Screen: 18.

    Screen: 18

    19. Once the "Confirm Order" button is clicked, the Order status will be updated to "Issued," and simultaneously, the Invoice status will be changed to "Fully Invoiced." The system will automatically log the invoice(s), and their details will be visible under "Invoice - History", thereby completing the invoice logging process in the system, as shown in Screen: 19.

    Screen: 19

    20. The third status is “Assigned” status. The initial stage for this status will be “Failed” due to “Order Number Does Not Exist” or “Wrong Order Number”. Let’s assume that the PO for the failed Invoice does exist in the system, however it contains a wrong order number which needs to be corrected. When the "External Invoice Validator" clicks on the "Failed" invoice, they must edit the Order Number to the correct one for which they want to create an invoice. The next step is to click the "Confirm" button to proceed, as shown in Screen: 20

    Screen: 20

    21. At this point, the system will attach the scanned PDF to the correct order number. Suppose the External Invoice Validator has only assigned the correct order number without actually creating an invoice for that order and navigate back to the "External Invoices" section. There, they will notice that the File Status has been changed to "Assigned," as shown in Screen: 21.

    Screen: 21

    22. Clicking the "Assigned" status allows the External Invoice Validator to view the scanned PDF assigned to the correct order number as shown in Screen: 22. From this screen, they have the option to create an invoice if desired.

    Screen: 22

    23. Additionally, an email will be sent to the Buyer of the order, notifying them that the External Invoice Validator has added an invoice attachment to the order as shown in Screen: 23.

    Screen: 23

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